

报告题目:System Modeling and Information fusion for Target Tracking
 报告人:梁彦教授/博导 西北工业大学自动化学院
 Yan Liang is presently a Professor of School of Automation at the Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU). He was a Post-Doctoral Fellow at Tsinghua University, China, from April 2001 to July 2003, a Research Fellow at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University from May 2006 to August 2006, and a Visiting Scholar at the University of Alberta from December 2007 to December 2008.
 He is the recipient of Program for New Century Excellent Talents of University of China, the chairman of the youth working committee of Shaanxi Automation Society, and Invited Editorial Member of Machinery and Electronics. He has served as PC members for multiple international academic conferences in control and signal processing fields. He is the reviewers of multiple international journals, including IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Automatica, and International Journal of Control. He has obtained multiple Science and Technology Development Awards, from the Ministry of Education of China, Shaanxi Province, and National Defense Committee. He has published three monographs and more than 100 academic journal articles. His research interests include state estimation, information fusion and their applications to target tracking.
 Abstract:Recently,target tracking faces many challenges due to significant changes of targets and their behaviors, considered environments, sensors, and task requirements. Behind such challenges, multiple scientific problems appear, including multi-resolution, multi-mode, uncertainties, nonlinearity et al. The report briefly introduces some interesting progress on his topic from Liang’s research group. Finally, some future works are discussed.